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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

Since the beginning of time, sales funnels have been a part of traditional marketing and business. I've noticed that funnels designed for Internet businesses are becoming more well-known.

It is clear that people are eager to learn more about this concept and how they could use it to improve their online business marketing strategies. You can read further to find out more about the ways to utilize the sales funnel for Internet marketing.

The Sales Funnel: What is it?

No, a marketing funnel isn't a real funnel. For this marketing concept, the use of funnel is to visually define the process of selling from beginning to the conclusion. Because it uses a wide entry way for potential customers "Unqualified Prospects" at the top, and an even smaller opening to convert sales at the bottom, the term funnel is an accurate comparison.

We may call these "unqualified prospects" at the top or entry of the funnel. They are people who might need your products and services however haven't been contacted by you before. At the end of the funnel, several sales and offers later, you've gotten folks who have purchased your product or service and made a purchase as well.

Another reason a lead-generation funnel concept is so efficient is that it allows you monitor potential prospects at different levels of the sales process. Using the sales funnel, through finding out the number of prospects who are qualified at each point of the process, it's possible to predict the amount of prospective customers who'll eventually become actual customers.

It is possible to make use of the sales funnel to identify where and how your sales procedure is working or not, and also whether you're not attracting enough customers. This will help you to decide which areas to concentrate your efforts and help you achieve your marketing goals. It's used as a method to gauge and manage the sales process of customers.

The Sales Funnel Top Front - End

The top of your sales funnel must be the most active component of your process. This area requires consistent testing. There are literally no end of front-end concepts. Your imagination and resources are your only limits.

The front-end's main objective is to attract prospective customers and turn those buyers into buyers further through the sales funnel.

Once a prospective client decides to sign up for your offer, they become "qualified". This is where the prospective customer, or "Unqualified Prospect", becomes a qualified lead. They have taken action which suggests they might be interested in the product or service you offer.

You need to drive targeted traffic on your website, blog or squeeze page in order for your front-end system to function. PPC advertisements articles, banners, article marketing, PPC advertisements, social media (Google+ Twitter Facebook YouTube), YouTube banners, blog posts forums, and many other sources are among the most efficient techniques and sources.

There are a variety of ways to "qualify" an "unqualified prospect. A squeeze page is one of the most effective ways to "qualify" the unqualified prospect. It lets you offer something of value that is relevant to your products or services, that people can receive at no cost or at a greatly reduced cost by requesting the email address they provide. You can select from newsletters and related reports and videos and e-mail course.

This indicates that customers are drawn to your sales channel on the front. But what about the back end?


The Bottom or Back-End of The Funnel

The back-end (or bottom) of the sales channel is where the majority of sales and profits occur. It is also where you'll discover the more expensive products. They are all relevant to the same market, but they are delivered in different formats, like audio, video and live interaction.

The main difference between the front-end service and the back end is the type or price of the client.

It is the case that only a small percent, maybe 1-2% of the total number of people entering your front-end, will be able to make it into your back-end. Because a few people will invest more, that's fine.

You see, that although front-end products and services may cost under $100, back-end items and services are typically priced in the hundreds or thousands. This make the bottom or back end of the sales funnel the main source of income for your Internet business, it's also the most reliable and stable area in this sales process.

As I mentioned the sales funnel can be as simple or as complex as your imagination or resources allow.

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